What I Got for Christmas and My Birthday 2017

Since my birthday is on Dec 21st I figured I would combine it with Christmas in this post! My parents always separate the occasions so I never get screwed. They must really love me because they take the time to wrap my birthday presents in birthday paper and my Christmas presents in Christmas paper!

This year I turned 23 which means all the fun milestones of my young life are over, except when I get to turn 25 and am able to rent a car if need be. But the fact of the matter is nobody cares about your birthday after you turn 21. The excitement of your birthday is getting a surprise cake at work, and maybe going out for dinner! I did…we binged on sushi. It was fantastic. I didn’t even care how bloated I was afterwards.

But this year I had a wonderful low key birthday and Christmas and I actually preferred it to the craziness and tension that accompanies most holidays. So without further ado, this is what I got for my birthday and Christmas this year!


  1. Kindle Fire HD 10

Image result for kindle fire hd 10

2. Kindle Fire 10 Case

Image result for kindle fire hd 10 case starry night

Even though I picked out the kindle and case I was still thrilled with how striking everything was! The colors are fantastic and the case is so unique that I never mix it up with my coworker’s tablets.

3. A couple pandora charms for my bracelet!

4. Weightlifting Shoes

So I actually bought myself this gift, but it was a great purchase! I finally feel more stable in my lifts and have put on about 20 lbs in my deadlift and 15 pounds in my squat in just one week!


1. CANDY…obviously

2. Bath and Body Works Lotion and Body Spray: I am particularly fond of the white tea a ginger fragrance my mother picked out for me. It smells so fresh and sophisticated/ I highly recommend it!

3. Tea

4. Essential Oils

5. Keychain Flashlight

6. This mug

My friends know me so well!

7. A scratch off map poster

Image result for a scratch off map poster

I’m really looking forward to using this! I have a trip planned with my best friend to Scotland this summer!

8. This super cute bookish dry erase board for my desk at work!

Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

9. Giftcards

10. A Book

Image result for the lying game book

To be honest I thought I would have gotten more books this year considering my very apparent nerdy personality, but I’m actually glad I didn’t because my TBR list is wicked long to begin with.

10. A goodie box from my brother’s fiance asking me to be her bridesmaid! This was super exciting! I have already starting looking at the website to pick a bridesmaid dress!

Overall, every Christmas and birthday I never know what I want, probably because I don’t really need anything and once you get older it feels better to purchase things with your own money. You feel like you’ve earned it. But my family and friends always surprise me with getting me things that I need! I love it! My parent’s knew that my old kindle fire 7 was busted so they helped me pick out a new one. I was out of hand lotion and for Christmas I got tons of them! The holidays are becoming more about relaxation, family time, and good food, and less about the presents. But the presents are always thoughtful and needed by the recipient. This Christmas and birthday was awesome and I want to thank my family and friends for making it special!



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